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After you get all moved in, settled, and back into a normal routine, we’d be extremely grateful and appreciative if you shared your buying experience.

There's no greater form of advertising for us than your shared positive experience!

It is also our hope that through the entire process of helping you get an affordable home of your dreams, we have earned your respect, friendship, and positive sentiments. If so, it would be great if you could connect with us on Facebook or Google, talk us up to your friends and family and frankly, help us build our business!

As an additional incentive and as an official home buyer with Regional Homes of Piedmont, we’re offering you $500 cash for every person you send our way that ultimately makes a new manufactured, modular or mobile home purchase from us.

All you have to do is point them in our direction and instruct them to tell us that you referred them, and we’ll take care of the rest. Thank you!